Iwan Bule: Membangun Jejak dari Jenderal Polisi yang Penuh Empati Menuju Dunia Politik

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Iwan Bule: Membangun Jejak dari Jenderal Polisi yang Penuh Empati Menuju Dunia Politik

Mochamad Iriawan alias Iwan Bule (with a hat and glasses) is in a photo with soccer players in the exhibition of Persib Legend vs Kuningan Selection, Friday, January 12, 2024 in Kuningan.

ENTERING the retirement after achieving great achievements as a police officer, Commissioner General of Police (Ret.) Dr. Drs. H. Mochamad Iriawan, S.H., M.M., M.H., is now stepping into the world of politics. The police general widely known as Iwan Bule has chosen to become a politician and is running as a legislative candidate for the People’s Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) in West Java X electoral district.

Born on March 31, 1962, a graduate of the Police Academy in 1984, he is not just a retired police officer; he is an experienced professional who has left an indelible mark in various fields. Throughout his police career, he handled important cases, including the murder of Nasrudin Zulkarnaen involving prominent figures in Indonesia.

Not only that, as a regional police chief (Kapolda) in three regions, starting from Kapolda NTB, Kapolda West Java, to Kapolda Metro Jaya, Iwan Bule has demonstrated his skill in maintaining public security.

During his leadership, his humanistic character made him always prioritize the participation of all members in every decision and activity within the institution he led.

He believes that every individual has unique value, their contribution is crucial for the development of an organization or community, and it should not be ignored. Therefore, Iwan Bule is often recognized as a leader who prioritizes community relations.

Iwan Bule’s approach in carrying out his duties and responsibilities as a police officer always reflects his ability to lead with a human touch. He provides opportunities for his subordinates to maximize their potential, open to new ideas, and always willing to listen to the aspirations of the community. His friendly nature with various segments of society made him accepted by various groups.

During his tenure as Kapolda in these three provinces, Iwan Bule has established cooperation with various groups, including community leaders, religious figures, and intellectuals. He is also known to be close to the grassroots, going directly to the field to listen to the community’s issues and find solutions together.

Such an approach creates trust and closeness between Iwan Bule and the people, making him an accessible leader who is connected to the reality of society. His ability to interact with various societal groups enables him to unearth various aspirations and integrate them into programs that bring benefits to the community.

In every role as Kapolda, Iwan Bule always demonstrates effective and transparent leadership. His understanding of the importance of cooperation between the police and the community to create a safe and conducive environment is one of the many keys to his success. Not only that, he is known as a figure with a clear vision and the ability to make the right decisions in complex situations.

Iwan Bule’s commitment to improving the welfare of the people is reflected in his programs that provide real benefits to the community. By understanding and responding to the people’s aspirations, he has successfully directed police policies towards solutions that meet the real needs of the people.

Seeing his illustrious track record, Iwan Bule’s presence in the world of politics as a candidate for the DPR RI is believed to make a significant contribution to the country’s development. The trust of the people in him as a reliable, experienced, and good leader makes him a worthy candidate for the next election. He can become an effective link between government policies and the needs of the people, as well as bring a humanistic and inclusive leadership style into the political arena.

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