Jadwal PSMS di Putaran 12 Besar

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Jadwal PSMS di Putaran 12 Besar

MEDAN, Waspada.co.id – PT Liga Indonesia Baru (LIB) has released the latest schedule for the 12 Big Rounds of the 2023/2024 Indonesia Liga 2. It is known that PSMS joined Group X together with Persiraja Banda Aceh, Semen Padang, and PSIM Yogyakarta.

PSMS’s first test will be against Persiraja at the Baharoeddin Siregar Lubukpakam Stadium on January 6, 2024. At the Agus Salim Stadium, the host, Semen Padang, will host PSIM Yogyakarta.

After that, Ayam Kinantan will visit the PSIM headquarters at the Mandala Krida Stadium on January 12, 2024, and Persiraja will face Semen Padang. Furthermore, the team led by Miftahudin Mukson will again play away matches against Semen Padang on January 17, 2024.

On January 22, Nico Malau’s team will host Semen Padang at the Baharoeddin Siregar Stadium, followed by an away match against Persiraja on January 27 and PSIM in early February 2024. Coach Miftahudin Mukson realized that the challenge for PSMS is quite heavy.

“Clearly, I am now taking stock of the strengths and weaknesses of the opponents. So later I will make tactics for training, especially since our first game at home against Persiraja,” he said on Tuesday (26/12).

“We have met (Persiraja) twice and the results were drawn, that means it’s a positive learning process so that we can change tactics in the 12 big rounds,” explained Miftah.

Regarding the strength of the opponents, including PSIM Yogyakarta, Miftah admitted that he was not too worried. From previous matches, especially against Semen Padang and Persiraja, the coach assessed that the difficulty came from his own team.

“Not difficult, in fact, what makes it difficult is ourselves. This is serious, only us. Individual errors occur in the team, so we concede and the opponents are lucky,” he said.

PSMS Medan’s schedule in the 12 Big Rounds of the 2023/2024 Indonesia Liga 2:
Saturday (6/1/2024) vs. Persiraja at Baharoeddin Siregar Stadium (3:00 p.m. WIB)
Friday (12/1/2024) vs. PSIM at Mandala Krida Stadium (3:00 p.m. WIB)
Wednesday (17/1/2024) vs. Semen Padang at H Agus Salim Stadium (3:00 p.m. WIB)
Monday (22/1/2024) vs. Semen Padang at Baharoeddin Siregar Stadium (3:00 p.m. WIB)
Saturday (27/1/2024) vs. Persiraja (venue to be determined / 7:00 p.m. WIB)
Saturday (3/2/2024) vs. PSIM at Baharoeddin Siregar Stadium (3:00 p.m. WIB)
